At Mintronics we're always thrilled to hear about the varied and fascinating ways in which our customers utilize 3D Scanning Technonolgy. A recent project we found particularly impressive was the ingenious way in which the team at Nottingham University are using 3D scanning. They were kind enough to share details of their project with us, and how the Einscan H has helped them...

What are you using 3D scanning for in your organisation?
Co-registration of OPM-MEG sensor positions to the participant’s MRI in order to reconstruct brain activity.
What challenges has 3D scanning helped with?
There are two methods of mounting OPM sensors securely on the scalp. The first is to use a subject specific helmet that is based on their anatomical MRI scan. This allows accurate knowledge of the sensor locations and orientations relative to the participant’s head, but is expensive and requires all participants to have an MRI scan.
The second option is to use a generic helmet that can fit a larger portion of the population. However, the sensors will sit differently on each person’s head and so, we use 3D scanners to find how the helmet (and thus the sensors) sits on the head.

How do you find the EinScan H usability in comparison to other Scanners you have used?
The EinScan has a much better colour camera for texture scanning, and the ability to turn off the flashing lights helps greatly when scanning younger children or people with photosensitive epilepsy.
The use of markers also helps remove the dependency on accurate structure reconstruction by allowing known reference points to be easily identified (with the structure still being highly accurate compared to the cheaper models).
How has your experience been when dealing with Mintronics?
Mintronics have been incredibly helpful throughout the whole process. They arranged several demonstrations of various cameras to find the one that best suited our needs. This even involved a week-long loan of the EinScan H to be certain it is the best option for our needs. They also responded incredibly quickly and informatively to any enquiries we had.
If you are as fascinated as we are about the work the team at Nottingham University are doing, watch the video below:
The Einscan H
For this particular project, the specifications of the Einscan H made it ideal for scanning body parts such as the human head. Since partnering with Shining3D, the Einscan H has proven to be one of the most versatile scanners we've worked with. From numerous healthcare applications, to architectural scanning for Virtual Reality, the Einscan H has shown the limitless potential that 3D Scanning has in real world applications.
If you'd like to know more about the Einscan H, or want to see how 3D Scanning can help you, have a look at our dedicated website Alternatively, just get in touch with one of the friendly team at Mintronics and we'd be happy to help. Give us a call on 0844 3570378, or email